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Landfill and debris netting

Landfill netting is increasingly important with growing communities needing well organised waste landfills.  Trash, litter, and debris blowing from a landfill are contained with landfill and debris netting.

High strengh debris netting can be customised for any location where there is a hazard of debris hurting people or traffic passing by. Van Beelen specialises in very high strength cut-resistant netting.

Where necessary, debris netting can be treated with a flame retardant finish. 

In cooperation with customers who specialise in assembling and installing landfill and debris netting, we deliver:

  • extremely light landfill netting
  • higher strength cut resistant debris netting (with optional flame retardant)
  • border ropes
  • end connections

We deliver these products in Europe, South Africa, Australia - New Zealand and North-America. Please contact us for more information.

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